Ever since it’s first party back in May, Revolver has held a firm place in our clubbing calendar, previously at Scala in rejuvenated Kings Cross, which has always put on spectacular visuals, production and stage shows to match. However, there was always the sense that for latino queens, muscle mary’s & devoted clubbers, that Kings Cross still holds a bit of a stigma and in some ways this reflected on the numbers through the doors.
So when Oliver Mohns, Evolved Events No 1 man, announced that Revolver was aiming shooting and firing its machine gun on London’s West End, expectations were high for a much improved turn-out. Moving to Astoria seemed a strange choice, although with G.A.Y taking up weekly residence in Heaven, the resultant synergy with Revolver D.J.’s & “ex” Heaven crew was a marvellous move and with a gap appearing at Astoria following the demise of OMO, and news of the Hippadrome becoming a casino, it seemed the only rational choice.
So, we were certainly not going to miss this party and having warmed ourselves up with camp foolery at Barcode Soho, we descended on Charing Cross Road at not long after midnight and the re-launch of Revolver. Before we even got inside, it had the feel of turning out to be a very popular night. And we were not to be disappointed, after negotiating the huge VIP queue and conducting our customary chat with door hostess extraordinaire, Minty, we soon found ourselves in Astoria’s main room.
Despite having only been to the venue a mere handful of times before, we quickly familiarised ourselves with the space and what a huge space it was! Mind you, the Evolved Events team had applied “full make-up” on the venue, with massive visuals across four gigantic screens, a superb wall on neon flashing lights both on and behind the D.J. booth (think Matinee at Coloseum but much better), Revolver signage hanging from the highest ceiling we have seen in a club for ages and a lighting show to match. Focussing on the D.J. booth, we spotted supremo and new Revolver resident, Paul Heron, in charge of the decks, pumping out his trademark chunky and hard edged house tunes to a incredibly diverse mix of Revolver regulars, latino’s, scene faces, interspersed with what can only be described as G.A.Y waif’s and stray’s, strangely uncharacteristic of Revolver parties of old, but nevertheless an interesting crowd!
Arming ourselves with refreshments for Paul, an over zealous security guard managed to trip us over on the huge stage as we made our may to Paul, not really the start we wanted, but finding a slot at the back of the room, we immediately bumped into part of our Matinee posse, including Max Sanna, so this began to get us well and truly warmed up on our spot, dancing away and spellbound by the incredible visuals on display. With Paul Heron handing over to the Italian Stallion, Pagano, the music pace stepped up even more, as he set about sending the crowd into seventh heaven with his amazing music mixes. By now Revolver had definitely aimed, fired and struck target on both our biceps, penetrating so much that the bullet shots rang through our body as we savoured the magic of, it has to be said, the best set we have experienced of Pagano, simply brilliant!
Then, the stage filled with a sparkly array of go-go’s heralding the arrival of the PA for the evening, Luca, in direct from Ibiza, who then performed his smash hits “A chance to be free” and “Push the pressure”, sending the already mesmereric crowd delirious with excitement, truly wonderful and all on the back drop of London’s biggest stage. It was clear our little posse were enjoying it too, swinging their pants in true Revolver style.
With the PA done, the team of go-go’s continued to perform as Pagano carried on where he had left off, delivering track after track of wonderful hard beats, meaning our short excursion up into room two as well as dashing Sambuca shots to the aid of Minty, was short lived, as we re-assumed our slot on the packed main room dancefloor, gyrating to the incredible sounds. As if by magic, our D.J. friend Lee Yeomans arrived to join our posse and this signalled a turn to hedonistic heights as Pagnao finally finished the most amazing of sets to massive cheers, appreciation & adoration of the crowd, handing the reigns over to Nick Tcherniak, who had an incredibly hard act to follow.
By now, our thoughts were diverting to our next clubbing instalment, Breakfast at The Egg and whilst Nick was playing out some wonderful tunes & beats, it was evident that Lee, Max & JC were in the mood to hit our next venue. Looking behind us however, we spotted the man himself, Oliver M, with cutie Eduardo De La Torre as well as Pagano and we engaged in lots of hugs & kisses with them all, reflecting on what an awe inspiring party Revolver had been. Oliver looked very pleased and the huge turnout certainly vindicated his decision to pick The Astoria as its new home, albeit going weekly rather than monthly (or so). We are so pleased for Oliver, for us, the friendliest and caring promoter we know on the scene. It is always a pleasure to meet him and he makes us feel so special every time.
So, with Egg firmly on our minds, we departed the Revolver party, the main room still packed & pumping, collecting our bits and falling out of the club into the clutches of a cab to Kings Cross, still buzzing from our experience and reflective of what can only be described as the biggest and best Revolver yet.
Well, it goes without saying that we enjoyed it all, the stunning visuals, the jaw dropping go-go’s, the fantastic production and the fabulous music. For us the crowd was far from classic Revolver, being more of a west end collision of folks, we are still not that keen on The Astoria as a venue, but the Evolved Events team did transform the space and all the promised “wild circuit style clubbing” was in huge chunks of party time, never seen before. For this reason, Revolver is now incomparable with, not only its sister event, Matinee, but with any across London, so really deserves all the success coming to it.
Does it have longevity as a weekly event, we are not so sure. The acid test will be possibly next week, when the hype of the re-launch has died down, although weekly events, in the main, are struggling, except after parties like Beyond, which continue to pull the crowds week in week out. Whether Revolver can achieve this, remains to be seen. We genuinely hope that it will and on the quality of this re-launch alone, there is no reason to suggest it won’t. The absence of Logan was noticeable (you don’t know what you are missing babe! Put your differences aside and re-join the team), but the dancers on display were incredible nonetheless. So, absent friends aside, Revolver, we toast your continued success. We will be back for more that is for sure! (DISCO MATT)
Ever since it’s first party back in May, Revolver has held a firm place in our clubbing calendar, previously at Scala in rejuvenated Kings Cross, which has always put on spectacular visuals, production and stage shows to match. However, there was always the sense that for latino queens, muscle mary’s & devoted clubbers, that Kings Cross still holds a bit of a stigma and in some ways this reflected on the numbers through the doors.
So when Oliver Mohns, Evolved Events No 1 man, announced that Revolver was aiming shooting and firing its machine gun on London’s West End, expectations were high for a much improved turn-out. Moving to Astoria seemed a strange choice, although with G.A.Y taking up weekly residence in Heaven, the resultant synergy with Revolver D.J.’s & “ex” Heaven crew was a marvellous move and with a gap appearing at Astoria following the demise of OMO, and news of the Hippadrome becoming a casino, it seemed the only rational choice.
So, we were certainly not going to miss this party and having warmed ourselves up with camp foolery at Barcode Soho, we descended on Charing Cross Road at not long after midnight and the re-launch of Revolver. Before we even got inside, it had the feel of turning out to be a very popular night. And we were not to be disappointed, after negotiating the huge VIP queue and conducting our customary chat with door hostess extraordinaire, Minty, we soon found ourselves in Astoria’s main room.
Despite having only been to the venue a mere handful of times before, we quickly familiarised ourselves with the space and what a huge space it was! Mind you, the Evolved Events team had applied “full make-up” on the venue, with massive visuals across four gigantic screens, a superb wall on neon flashing lights both on and behind the D.J. booth (think Matinee at Coloseum but much better), Revolver signage hanging from the highest ceiling we have seen in a club for ages and a lighting show to match. Focussing on the D.J. booth, we spotted supremo and new Revolver resident, Paul Heron, in charge of the decks, pumping out his trademark chunky and hard edged house tunes to a incredibly diverse mix of Revolver regulars, latino’s, scene faces, interspersed with what can only be described as G.A.Y waif’s and stray’s, strangely uncharacteristic of Revolver parties of old, but nevertheless an interesting crowd!
Arming ourselves with refreshments for Paul, an over zealous security guard managed to trip us over on the huge stage as we made our may to Paul, not really the start we wanted, but finding a slot at the back of the room, we immediately bumped into part of our Matinee posse, including Max Sanna, so this began to get us well and truly warmed up on our spot, dancing away and spellbound by the incredible visuals on display. With Paul Heron handing over to the Italian Stallion, Pagano, the music pace stepped up even more, as he set about sending the crowd into seventh heaven with his amazing music mixes. By now Revolver had definitely aimed, fired and struck target on both our biceps, penetrating so much that the bullet shots rang through our body as we savoured the magic of, it has to be said, the best set we have experienced of Pagano, simply brilliant!
Then, the stage filled with a sparkly array of go-go’s heralding the arrival of the PA for the evening, Luca, in direct from Ibiza, who then performed his smash hits “A chance to be free” and “Push the pressure”, sending the already mesmereric crowd delirious with excitement, truly wonderful and all on the back drop of London’s biggest stage. It was clear our little posse were enjoying it too, swinging their pants in true Revolver style.
With the PA done, the team of go-go’s continued to perform as Pagano carried on where he had left off, delivering track after track of wonderful hard beats, meaning our short excursion up into room two as well as dashing Sambuca shots to the aid of Minty, was short lived, as we re-assumed our slot on the packed main room dancefloor, gyrating to the incredible sounds. As if by magic, our D.J. friend Lee Yeomans arrived to join our posse and this signalled a turn to hedonistic heights as Pagnao finally finished the most amazing of sets to massive cheers, appreciation & adoration of the crowd, handing the reigns over to Nick Tcherniak, who had an incredibly hard act to follow.
By now, our thoughts were diverting to our next clubbing instalment, Breakfast at The Egg and whilst Nick was playing out some wonderful tunes & beats, it was evident that Lee, Max & JC were in the mood to hit our next venue. Looking behind us however, we spotted the man himself, Oliver M, with cutie Eduardo De La Torre as well as Pagano and we engaged in lots of hugs & kisses with them all, reflecting on what an awe inspiring party Revolver had been. Oliver looked very pleased and the huge turnout certainly vindicated his decision to pick The Astoria as its new home, albeit going weekly rather than monthly (or so). We are so pleased for Oliver, for us, the friendliest and caring promoter we know on the scene. It is always a pleasure to meet him and he makes us feel so special every time.
So, with Egg firmly on our minds, we departed the Revolver party, the main room still packed & pumping, collecting our bits and falling out of the club into the clutches of a cab to Kings Cross, still buzzing from our experience and reflective of what can only be described as the biggest and best Revolver yet.
Well, it goes without saying that we enjoyed it all, the stunning visuals, the jaw dropping go-go’s, the fantastic production and the fabulous music. For us the crowd was far from classic Revolver, being more of a west end collision of folks, we are still not that keen on The Astoria as a venue, but the Evolved Events team did transform the space and all the promised “wild circuit style clubbing” was in huge chunks of party time, never seen before. For this reason, Revolver is now incomparable with, not only its sister event, Matinee, but with any across London, so really deserves all the success coming to it.
Does it have longevity as a weekly event, we are not so sure. The acid test will be possibly next week, when the hype of the re-launch has died down, although weekly events, in the main, are struggling, except after parties like Beyond, which continue to pull the crowds week in week out. Whether Revolver can achieve this, remains to be seen. We genuinely hope that it will and on the quality of this re-launch alone, there is no reason to suggest it won’t. The absence of Logan was noticeable (you don’t know what you are missing babe! Put your differences aside and re-join the team), but the dancers on display were incredible nonetheless. So, absent friends aside, Revolver, we toast your continued success. We will be back for more that is for sure! (DISCO MATT)
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