With our year being dominated by Italiano meets Spanish influenced everything, from Matinee events, through establishing new DJ/Producer friends and gathering amazing music mixes, not to mention fab seeing some P.A.’s at many a party, you would have thought we would be latino overloaded by now. Certainly not! and with the news that the talk of Spain & Ibiza, SuperMartXe was due to land in London town, we were very excited indeed. Having put on such a spectacular show in Madrid, combined with the amazing hype and build to the event, we were definitely not going to miss this one.
Choosing The Coronet venue in Elephant & Castle (not quite a glamour destination darling!!) this choice, in some ways, heightened the excitement although it was serious “hang onto your purses girls” territory as we arrived, supposedly fashionably late at 1 a.m. (it was open till 7 a.m. you know), thinking our late arrival would mean no queue? Well, not on your nelly! as the masses stretched back down the road. Fortunately for us, we caught sight of the lovely Jamie Head (and crew) who were close to the head of the queue, so surreptitiously managed to leapfrog scores of expectant clubbers (how naughty of us, slap wrists!).
With the advance ticket holders suddenly speeding into the club and we clutching ours, we soon found ourselves faced with airport style security and, it has to be said, overzealous individuals at that, the man searching us, managing to drop our MP3 player on the floor, effectively breaking it, not really the start we wanted! However, having negotiated the “Fort Knox” entry, we then advanced into what can only be described as a completely rammed Coronet and wishing to place our coats & bags into check, then proceeded to stand in a winding line of others, trying to do the same, stretching over two floors and hardly moving (the other coatcheck queue was just as bad). So, after waiting over half an hour, all the while bumping into familiar faces, including our Industri friend Stewart, we eventually gave up and descended from our lowly position in the procession and into the main room.
If there was one thing with SuperMartXe London that resembled Madrid, it was the size of this main space, which was breathtakingly full with a most metrosexual bunch of hedonists, dancing, “hands in the air” to the melodic house sounds of Spanish main land D.J. Juanjo Martin (of Matinee fame!) who had the crowd literally eating out of his hands. Whilst it seemed like a popular choice of music genre, for us, it seemed uncharacteristic of the sounds we have enjoyed in Madrid, Barcelona & Ibiza, rather more pandering to the softer & queenier demands of a London crowd (although we are not all like that you know!).
Looking around the massive main room, the team had made some effort to adorn the huge space with SuperMartXe signage and we were spellbound by the brilliant focal point that was the stage, with some amazing “glass” style boxes in-set into the back, sporting supremely handsome guys dancing in them, wow!! Madrid had gone overboard with production, so some would say London was more sedate, although the stage show that followed, with the centre piece of Rebekka Brown, was stunning and grabbed everybody’s attention. Huge lighting and stage production, in amongst a superb collection of “drop dead gorgeous” go-go dancers really set the scene for an amazing clubbing night on the tiles, with the venue allowing a stretch of over 9 hours.
So by now the party was well and truly kicking and the mass of people were enjoying themselves in new surroundings with a new feel. However, we couldn’t help noticing that there were a whole bunch of people either holding on to or wearing their coats (not a good sign). Was this a kick back from the coat check problems we had encountered? possibly, and as we like to have our bits and pieces secure before letting our hair right down , we suspect that many of those adorning coats & bags couldn’t succumb to the full SuperMartXe experience either, a shame really.
With Juanjo Martin assuming control of the decks, the hedonistic tribulations of the masses continued, with go-go’s finding positions around the main floor to further entertain the crowd. Nevertheless, we simply couldn’t relax and enjoy ourselves, watching our bags & coats constantly next to us, so it wasn’t soon before we decided we couldn’t endure such uncomfortable (for us) vibes anymore, as we also couldn’t stop thinking about the bad treatment we had been subjected to by the door staff earlier, we made our minds up to leave.
So, in resignation, we slumped out of SuperMartXe at the Coronet, to reflect on a night that (we must stress this) for us, did not hit the mark! Walking away and through and past scary council house style blocks of flats to the safe environment that is home, we shared comments with our favourite club promoter with the re-assurance that his venture was also quite busy. However, it has to be said the general feedback from most was that the Coronet party was superb, the effort put in by the promoter reflected this and SuperMartXe ended up being a huge success, coatcheck problems or not!
Well, what was our view of SuperMartXe? We found the concept fantastic, although the parties in Spain & Ibiza have obviously created a president for London. However, with the massive turnout, not seen in The Coronet and indeed in many a club in many a year, there is clear in interest in the brand and an expectant party extraordinaire. Did we get that feeling from SuperMartXe? Well we can say, probably yes but in small chunks due to the personal issues we encountered. and for those into the kind of commercial tunes played around the London scene lately, you would be having a good time . For us, the move trend to underground and chunky tech-house is what we enjoy (the kind of music that emanates from many more clubs headlining the scene of late). But, it has to be said that the foot fall on this occasion proved that clubbing on a big scale can pull a crowd and maybe that is where the scene should head. The question is, can it continue to do so?
Having heard from the promoter, Logan, after the event, the planned New Year party (possibly 3rd January) is great news, both for the scene and for diversity. SuperMartXe has clearly captured the imagination and compared to (potential only) rivals Matinee & Revolver, it is not really competition. In a scene that has been dominated by trashy Vauxhall clubs in recent times, it is so refreshing that not only do we have quality brands like Revolver & Matinee (albeit Matinee is in Vauxhall), but we can now add SuperMartXe to the list. There is, in are our opinion, room for all three (and loads more actually), so welcome to the fold SuperMartXe, even if you are in E&C which stands for CH. (DISCO MATT)
Disco Matt:
Far be it from you to provide an 'unbiased' opinion of the scene.
It seems as if a club isnt run by your 'best-buddy' then you immediatly try to pick holes in it.
Not only did i see you in the club soaking up the atmoshpere and enjoying yourself, but the other 3000 people that were there manaaged to enjoyed themselves througout whether or not there was a problem with the coat check.
I dont see you, in your reviews for Matinee talking about how it takes 45minutes to take a piss in the toilets there....
Why not, in your review, focus on the positives of how everyone had a fantastic time. You hardly mention the music, the dj's, the PA from Rebecka Brown and the PA from Therese, the staging, how easy it was to get a drink...
You solely focus on the negative side of the club - perhaps because this isnt a club that is run by Olvier M??
I posted a previous reply that you obviously felt was far too critical of your review and you therefore deleted it.
Surely you want outside opinion.
To take a few comments from your blog - you mention 'the scene is dominated by vauxhall trash' - but you then go on to praise clubs like Matinee. You do realise that Matinee is in Vauxhall dont you?
Surely that means Matinee is Vauxhall Trash?
As someone who prides himself of being a "gay scene club reviewer" i would suggest you do a bit more reviewing and a bit less baised opinionating!
Thanks for your commet.
Firstly, may I say that we do feel that we are fair but yet honest about our reviews of clubs in general.
In a scene that has been dominated in recent times by Matinee, those parties have been superb and we are surely, to be honest, going to reflect that. However, we have also highlighted issues with Matinee parties (amongst others) that we have not felt were good.
Also remember the reviews reflect our expereinces of clubs and the things we have encountered while out. Therefore, our experience of SuperMartXe was not that favourable and yet we were upbeat about the music, the atmosphere, the shows & the P.A.'s.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this review reflects our opinion and nothing else.
Disco Matt:
Thanks for your (plural!?!?) reply.
I hope also that people read these comments and feel that they can add to this comment board because your review still stinks of bias.
May I also comment - are you a collective group of people, or just the 1 disco matt? You keep referreing to 'we' 'our' but if I'm not wrong this is just your (singular) opinion about how you (singular) didnt enjoy a club because it wasnt run by your (singular) best buddies - perhaps this is a collective attempt by you and your buddies to tarnish a club that was possibly the best night on the London scene of 2008?
I also notice that on another 'social-networking' site comments have been made about how this review stinks of bias - so quite clearly I am not the only one who thinks this way.
I completely understand that you have the right to defend your comments and you have a right, (under the European Convention of Human Rights) to free speech - but if you are going to exercise your right in this way - please it may be best not to refer to a collective 'our' and 'we' as if you are talking on behalf of the gay london scene or a collective group of individual when this is purely the personal opinion of one individual who didnt have a great night - I will personally find you over 2000 people who disagree with you on this.
Blah, blah, blah...
Its nice to read different views of the same night. We all have nights we really like and a few that have not been up to scratch.
Party-go-er, it seems the bias you complain about DiscoMatt saying in the review are the same things you say yourself. You claim to know what 3000 people were thinking at Supermartxe,and it was all fabulous. Did you ask them personally? It was busy but I dont think the coronet even holds 3000 people so lets talk facts.
I personally was put in a mood from the start due to the que and then trying to get our coats into the coatcheck.
Unfortunately first impressions count and after paying £25 I was expecting more to be done to resolve the problem after it was made clear to the promoters team that we were getting p** off, instead they just minced by with their heads in the air acting like everything was fine....oops am i allowed to say that? or do you want to stamp all over me too?
(You also Claim to take 45 minutes to take a piss at matinee...what kinda drugs are you on to take soo long navigating a toilet?)
you seem overly upset that a critism has been made of Supermartxe, were you a customer on Saturday or are you involved in the venue? as you seem to be protesting too much.
The whole point of a review is let people know what went on good and bad and i for one am glad people have the freedom to write what they want on bloggs and reviews.
I'm sure there are club promoters who would love to stiffle what people write so they can continue to put on their mediocre nights that just rip us their paying customers off. its good to let them know where their nights fell down.
I for one read a whole load of reviews to get an overall idea of whats going on...so keep on reviewing matt. The sceene needs more INDEPENDENT reviewers!!!
Super Q:
I think we need to go back to basics here so bear with me a few minutes.
I do not class myself as a "gay-club scene" reviewer and nor will I ever do. I am a young gay lad who likes to go out and enjoy my weekends out.
When someone holds themselves up as a profession to be a "gay-club scene" reviewer they should be open to recieve just as much criticism of their reviews as they dish out on the clubs.
You seem to want to attack my comments - but I am in no way holding my comment as a review of the club.
Second - you paid 25quid to get in to the club. I pressume from this, either, you got sincerely over charged by whoever sold you your ticket, or you did not buy an advance ticket. Well, if you do not buy an advance ticket to a sell out event you should expect to queue (please notice the spelling - your spelling and grammer is awful - but thats just nit-picking!)
Third - I really don't see any reference to drugs in my original post. I don't really see the need to make reference to them in your reply. It is quite common knowledge that the queue's for the toilets in the Collesium (whatever Club is on) are awful and always will be. My point was, no reference is made to this in any of Disco Matt's reviews about Matinee yet the sole focus of his review of Supermartxe seems to be about a long queue - see any discrepancies here!?
Fourth. As I have said already, I am a customer. If I was involved with the venue I wouldn't bother to read a review that I know before it is even written was going to critise the club let alone respond to it!
Fifth. "The scene needs more independant reviewers" - I couldn't agree more. Let's get rid of the ones who shove their head up someones arse for the sake of guestlist and invites to VIP parties eh?
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