There are some choices in our life that are very simple indeed, even when faced with a sumountable list of choices, we generally don't tend to have problems in making a decision, whether it be scrolling over an extensive menu in a resturant, being faced with a confusing choice of drinks on an lengthy cocktail list or even looking through the myriad of options when choosing a new outfit at our favourite clothing store. It is certainly true about life being full of choices and this also goes for clubbing in gAylist London, where, despite the tough climate, there remains plenty of choices of where to be and be seen. But when it comes to clubbing after hours, there is only one name that springs to mind these days, a name that is etched on our memories, has a virtual permanent place on our left hip (what!.. a tatoo?, well not quite) and has, for more than once in its colourful history, really captured the imagination of many, who see it as their only choice when deciding what to do on the still decadent activity that is Sunday morning clubbing. This weekly outing has not only survived the test of time, where many others failed at a moments breath, but unlike any other afterhours event, continues not only to survive but thrive unrelentlessly.
Well, you have probably guessed by now (without looking at the heading ofcourse..doh!) that we are talking about Beyond, and in its latest incarnation at Area in Vauxhall, has secured a healthy existence in many peoples minds, being the destinationation of choice after virtually every Saturday night event, including Matinee, SuperMartXe and where we had been strutting our stuff on this Saturday night, Megawoof, just up the road in Hidden. And with the gentle arm twisting (hardly!) by D.J. pal Hi-Fi Sean, the Thursday just gone at Industri, it didn't take much tempting to once again dance under the mirrorball at this now iconic and for some, unmissable Sunday morning outing. The early start of 3 a.m. was even more enticing, as it presented the opportunity to party for a good old while yet not penetrating too far into Sunday, which has so often in the past, resulted in staying out early into Monday morning (dirty stopouts we were!!). So, did we behave ourselves? And was it morning or afternoon before we made it to our bed? What do you think?!?!?!
Arriving at Area's doors at a respectable 5 a.m., having had a slight reprieve from the masinations of Megawoof, in the hands of Nick Tcherniak at Barcode Vauxhall (we actually had to tear ourselves away as he was whipping up a real storm!), our inclusion on Hi-Fi Sean's guestlist went without a hitch (well apart from an interesting comment made by the door hostess we cannot repeat), it was no time before we were inside Area and into the Terrace bar that was already brimming with a headonist bunch of disco bunnies, muscle queens, scene faces and party heads raring to go, bopping to the uplifting & funky house tunes supplied by Fire resident and cutie Terry Bryan, who definately had the lions share of a developing crowd. Down in the second room (oh those mirror balls, we love them!!), David Jiminez was treating a select few to some harder edged sounds, very much the style of this space, where we have partied so many times and which remains a favoured spot of ours. With friend Benoit in tow and a recognisable amount of ex Megawoofer's around, the immediate action was in the Terrace bar however, our anticipation growing with the imminent arrival of the man himself, Hi-Fi Sean.
And arrive he did, virtually bang on time, seeing us in the crowd and coming up to say hello before heading to the somewhat makeshift D.J. booth to prepare for his set. With Benoit anxious to see what was happening in the main room, we left him to his devices, rather finding a perfect spot between two of the speakers in the Terrace bar, to soak up Sean's sounds and with the eclectic crowd growing yet more, we quickly found our stride as this D.J. meistro set about laying down a much more funkier set than we are used to when he assumes his usual slot in room 2. And there was little or nothing that was going to tempt us away from our newly found & semi favoured Beyond space, not least as the funkier style had us dancing delriously, especially when Hi-Fi dug out and dusted off his amazing mix of "Get Busy" which had us mesmerised, captivated & cavorting unrepentently, as was fellow enthusaist of the Scotmans music, Dimitrios. There was nothing that was going to tempt us away and with familar faces who had also decided upon an after Megawoof outing, Clington Forbes, Andrew Harris & pal Cliff Jackson (he was innocently corrupting a friend of his..don't ask!), Beyond Belief in the Terrace Bar was well and truly kicking.
Not that the rest of the club was doing bad, as we slipped into the main room to find The Sharp Boys really warming up the atmosphere, with the pyrotechnics in full swing, the lasers dazzling the space & the familar Beyond visuals on the two massive screens complimenting all the action. And when favourite D.J. Steve Pitron took to the decks, we found it hard to tear ourselves away from our most comfortable spot just left of the D.J. booth, with familar and melodic sounds from Steve's latest music mix was being played out live to the adoration of an excited band of supporters, mounting podiums to gyrate away, filling virtually every space to soak up the superb songs this tulmultous talent was stringing together, fantastic floor fillers, amazing anthems & huge house hits. What more could we say? well not much apart from pure brilliance once again from Mr Pitron and with Mikey D arriving for duty, waving hello as well as Jay Sharp Vokins also in our presence, we knew we were in priviledged company.
But after having danced virtually non stop since 5 a.m., we had to take some respite from the action, walking back through the venue, passing D.J. D'Johnny who had taken over in the Terrace bar, we stepped outside to rest our legs a little, finding the space in typical lively fashion, although still proving the perfect escape from the mayhem inside. But before very long, back inside we were, heading straight for the main floor which seemend busier than ever, Mikey D now in full flow and Logan with a smattering of his schmitzels providing the eye candy & go-go dancing activity on the podiums in front of the D.J. booth, not for the first time in the evening, adding more spice to an already enthrawling experience. Only rendevous, firstly with Italian Stallion Pagano, whom we were surprised to see but was in his usual playfull mood, then the lovely Jamie Head who was delighted to see us as we were him, but also with D.J. and French fancy Stephan Gaeten Scott, who caught us in motion a number of times, increased our excitment levels to fever pitch. So much so that we completely mislaid our t-shirt in the melay, although we are pleased to say that whoever found it was so honest as to hand it in, we finding it safely stored in the coatcheck.
With friends Stephen & Benoit having said their fairwells, we somehow caught second wind (or was it third, fourth or fifth?!?) toying our fancies between Mikey in the main room and Jamie in the Terrace bar, determined to see out the rest of the morning in the bountiful brace of Beyond, although having been out & about for over 12 hours now, time and more likely age caught up with us and we eventually threw in the towel at just past 11 a.m., waving goodbye to Jamie and a club still rocking and rolling up to and well past midday, pointing our way towards home to chill and recover from some absolutely amazing afterhours audacity.
So what were the questions again? Oh yes, Did we behave ourselves? And, what was it? ah, Did we make it to our bed in the morning or afternoon? Well, it was umistakably evident that we were thoroughly naughty from start to finish, but then how could you blame us, especially as first Hi-Fi Sean, then Steve Pitron, followed by Mikey D, as well as Jamie Head, were playing such magnificent music, which always makes act naughtily. Sean's performance in the Terrace Bar was particularly pleasing, with so many people remarking on how much they enjoyed his musical style both during & after the event. Our naughtiness was helped on by a plethora of friends egging us on (well we didn't really need encouragement to be honest....but then we have to blame someone!) and we walked away from Beyond Belief with some truly fond memories of naughty escapdes that we are sure to repeat at this very special club in our hearts very soon indeed. Big up Beyond, "Belief" format or not. (DISCO MATT)
1 comment:
Very thoughtfull post on belief .It should be very much helpfull.
Karim - Creating Power
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