We are very lucky to sport some amazing club brands in gAylist/land London, which make a real impact on our decisions about where & when to, as we always say, “Go There!! Be There!!”, in this most buzzing scene in the capital. Some events continue to prove regular monthly outings for many, while others are less often so, yet still attract the glitzy & the glamorous, thus stamping their mark on an ever relentlessly paced scene. But when a club event literally captures the imagination in unprecedented levels, creating the biggest stir we have seen in ages, so much so that it was a complete sell-out within hours of the ticket sales releases, this was going to be one party we simply didn’t want to miss.
Ever since its infancy, back in the days of the bijous yet fabulous venue Villa Stefano, through further incarnations on Shaftesbury Avenue, then at The End & more latterly at Fabric, DTPM has always proven to be one of the most popular Sunday clubbing events we know, changing with the times which meant moving the original 3 p.m. start back later & later, eventually making it the one club that became responsible for so many Monday morning sickies. Then, when promoter Lee Freeman decided to put this mega institution to bed, the Sunday partying landscape looked set to change forever, but you can never keep a good thing down and it was inevitable that DTPM would make a return, but oh what a return it turned out to be!!
With the only letters on peoples lips being D, T, P and M, throughout the preceding few days, all eyes were on the amazing Paramount venue, the host space for “The Bitch Is Back” event which definitely had tongues wagging & anticipation at fever pitch, as we made our way up to central London amidst a thankfully dry early afternoon in time for the 3 p.m. start of DTPM’s magnificent return to centre stage at Centrepoint, although (as usual) we were running slightly late. Arriving at the foot this tall West End landmark at a shade past 4 p.m. there was already an incredible buzz in the air, with many making an early arrival to avoid a potential crush, but moreover to witness a magnificent sunset followed by panoramic views of London’s lit up magic. To say that this was one of the smoothest entrances to a club we have ever encountered was an understatement, as we were treated like pure royalty, escorted by the fabulous door hostess up the entrance stairs, through the foyer, past any coatcheck complications (not that there were any) and straight to our waiting lift to shoot us up 31 floors, what better a start to a clubbing experience you couldn’t have dreamt of.
So, we had arrived and were immediately greeted by the gorge & hunky Lloyd from Manhunt, part of the band of eye-candy floating around to delight, although it seemed that many were aghast with the view, crowding around the windows to watch dusk become dark. Unfortunately, with hazy clouds rolling up to steal away what could have been a jaw droppingly stunning sunset, we instead headed for the bar to grab refreshments, coming across some “Trade Baby” faces of old and catching up on the last outing at MOS as well as recapping memories of DT at Villa Stefano’s, with Paramount swelling with a truly gAylisting crowd of familiar faces, scene stars, off-duty D.J’s and devoted DTPM’ers, who were going to make this a return, nay reunion to remember. Next grabbing our attention was Tony Tansley who was definitely in party mood, chatting away about our previous Matinee & other exploits, before our eyes were diverted by Chris Jepson’s flashing camera, then a whole host of people who wanted to say hello, including friends Oliver & Robbie as well as Jules from Q.X., D.J. Emma “Mis-White” who was still in birthday mode having stretched her celebrations to encompass this special DT party & Lee Yeomans, whom we hadn’t seen for a long time.
But music was definitely the name of the game and whilst the Paramount’s lofty position was breathtaking, as the pace picked up in the hands of DTPM resident Miguel Pellitero, the heat was definitely building, causing the windows to steam up in sympathy. Yes the crowd was hot, hot hot, but so was the space, but this didn’t stop people piling onto the dancefloor to soak up Miguel’s sexy & funky sounds, which was heightened when scene legend Fat Tony took over the decks, taking the music in a much more uplifting & electro tainted direction, playing out some a-typical Tony tunes mixed in with amazing floor fillers like Serge Devant’s “Addicted” which drew whoops & cheers from the dancing mass of bodies. Now we were really into our stride and when we came across D.J. pal Nick Tcherniak & husband Tom (who was celebrating his birthday), we knew the party would just get better & better. Mind you, we were glad of the encounter, as we had been carrying Tom’s birthday card around all afternoon, although the look of delight on his face was well worth it (even if he thought the message in the card was like a letter from Gordon Brown!!).
So, with a tug on our braces from Tom, which prompted a whole host of “twangs” from all around, our place on the dancefloor was pretty much cemented, and why not, as Mr Fat Tony was stirring up some serious sounds (not least our fave record, Zoe Baldwin’s “Release Me”) and we were in just the right spot next to the massive neon flashing wall, in prime position to bump into yet more scene faces wandering in, JC Christopher, Jon Dennis (bless him for his advice on our review writing!) Guy Williams & boyf Rob Ferguson & then the man himself, Lee Freeman, who definitely had his eye on making this the best comeback party London had ever seen. And that’s just how it was turning out, as a terrific set from Tony was following by a gigantically glorious one from Guy Williams, who took over and short of blew the roof off Paramount, with a mega mix of funk, tech & nu disco that had the 31st floor rocking right to the foundations. Looking around, everyone was having an absolutely superb time and it was as though the old DTPM style was back, whey hay!!
Taking a brief respite back round in the bar area, it was like walking into a “who’s who” gathering and we were struggling to choose between all the faces, but tip top promoter Wayne Shires grabbed our attention, then long time friend & D.J. extra-ordinaire Kris De-Angelis was the next one to get a piece of us (in a manner of speaking of-course), before we were back in the thick of party boy Tom’s company, Nick Tcherniak now holding court with fellow D.J. & recording partner, the one & only Steve “Janet” Thomas, who was over from Spain especially for the occasion & up on the decks after Mr Williams. Glancing at our watch, we could hardly believe it was less than two hours till midnight (where had the time gone – well you know what they say?!) and as much as we wanted to see out the rest of the night at DT, not least to see Miss “Janet” perform, we said our farewells, heading to Rupert Street to try and come down from the dizzy heights of happiness.
But then the day, the night, well everything actually, was about “The Bitch Is Back” and this bitch was, as we made a triumphant return not 20 minutes before we left, with D.J. pal Alessandro in tow, making straight for Paramount’s dancefloor to see Steve Thomas behind the decks & all our other scene pals in place. Everyone was soaking up the octane fuelled, upbeat, hard house tinged yet adoring string of tunes Steve was putting together, which took us back to all those heady days of sets of his at Trade, of-course at the DT of old, but with a definite vein of newness running through it all, absolutely stupendous. Even Nick Tcherniak was in awe (and they are recording partners!), that’s how good the music was. So, with braces off, (leant to Tom as a birthday treat), tops off and the tempo at fever pitch, we danced away well past midnight not wanting the party to end (and if Mr Freeman had got his way, it would have gone on and on – and she can move on the dancefloor!!), but after a third encore from Steve, the party drew to a close and we headed to ground level once more to saunter home and reflect of what could probably be THE party of the year.
So, what can we can we say about the return of DTPM? Well, it is definitely back for sure, and did the “Bitch” make an impact of what! Yes, it is fair to say that Paramount as a venue has its good & bad points, the good being the views, the bad being the lack of sufficient toilets to powder one’s nose (and a girl needs to do that!), but the sleek minimalist design of the space allows for other elements to really speak volumes. And the music did just that, Miguel Pellitero warming things up brilliantly, Fat Tony taking it to a higher level, Guy Williams short of lifting the roof off and then Steve Thomas sending everyone present to heaven & back (and we couldn’t have been closer to heaven!!). Then there was the crowd, the best we have mixed with for a long time, never being short of a familiar face to say hello to, making it not just a dance club but a socialising splendour.
With the massive & overwhelming response to this DTPM party, with tickets selling so quickly and everyone we spoke to who didn’t have one, really wanting one, Lee Freeman & his team could have filled Paramount three times over at least, being a real & true testament to the longevity of this brand which has been going for most of our clubbing life. It was an absolute honour to be part of it all, to be treated so well throughout, to get so many great comments from all around & to see so many happy & joyful faces from start to finish. “The Bitch” is definitely back and with a planned NYD spectacular at similar dizzy heights, we cannot wait. (DISCO MATT)
We are very lucky to sport some amazing club brands in gAylist/land London, which make a real impact on our decisions about where & when to, as we always say, “Go There!! Be There!!”, in this most buzzing scene in the capital. Some events continue to prove regular monthly outings for many, while others are less often so, yet still attract the glitzy & the glamorous, thus stamping their mark on an ever relentlessly paced scene. But when a club event literally captures the imagination in unprecedented levels, creating the biggest stir we have seen in ages, so much so that it was a complete sell-out within hours of the ticket sales releases, this was going to be one party we simply didn’t want to miss.
Ever since its infancy, back in the days of the bijous yet fabulous venue Villa Stefano, through further incarnations on Shaftesbury Avenue, then at The End & more latterly at Fabric, DTPM has always proven to be one of the most popular Sunday clubbing events we know, changing with the times which meant moving the original 3 p.m. start back later & later, eventually making it the one club that became responsible for so many Monday morning sickies. Then, when promoter Lee Freeman decided to put this mega institution to bed, the Sunday partying landscape looked set to change forever, but you can never keep a good thing down and it was inevitable that DTPM would make a return, but oh what a return it turned out to be!!
With the only letters on peoples lips being D, T, P and M, throughout the preceding few days, all eyes were on the amazing Paramount venue, the host space for “The Bitch Is Back” event which definitely had tongues wagging & anticipation at fever pitch, as we made our way up to central London amidst a thankfully dry early afternoon in time for the 3 p.m. start of DTPM’s magnificent return to centre stage at Centrepoint, although (as usual) we were running slightly late. Arriving at the foot this tall West End landmark at a shade past 4 p.m. there was already an incredible buzz in the air, with many making an early arrival to avoid a potential crush, but moreover to witness a magnificent sunset followed by panoramic views of London’s lit up magic. To say that this was one of the smoothest entrances to a club we have ever encountered was an understatement, as we were treated like pure royalty, escorted by the fabulous door hostess up the entrance stairs, through the foyer, past any coatcheck complications (not that there were any) and straight to our waiting lift to shoot us up 31 floors, what better a start to a clubbing experience you couldn’t have dreamt of.
So, we had arrived and were immediately greeted by the gorge & hunky Lloyd from Manhunt, part of the band of eye-candy floating around to delight, although it seemed that many were aghast with the view, crowding around the windows to watch dusk become dark. Unfortunately, with hazy clouds rolling up to steal away what could have been a jaw droppingly stunning sunset, we instead headed for the bar to grab refreshments, coming across some “Trade Baby” faces of old and catching up on the last outing at MOS as well as recapping memories of DT at Villa Stefano’s, with Paramount swelling with a truly gAylisting crowd of familiar faces, scene stars, off-duty D.J’s and devoted DTPM’ers, who were going to make this a return, nay reunion to remember. Next grabbing our attention was Tony Tansley who was definitely in party mood, chatting away about our previous Matinee & other exploits, before our eyes were diverted by Chris Jepson’s flashing camera, then a whole host of people who wanted to say hello, including friends Oliver & Robbie as well as Jules from Q.X., D.J. Emma “Mis-White” who was still in birthday mode having stretched her celebrations to encompass this special DT party & Lee Yeomans, whom we hadn’t seen for a long time.
But music was definitely the name of the game and whilst the Paramount’s lofty position was breathtaking, as the pace picked up in the hands of DTPM resident Miguel Pellitero, the heat was definitely building, causing the windows to steam up in sympathy. Yes the crowd was hot, hot hot, but so was the space, but this didn’t stop people piling onto the dancefloor to soak up Miguel’s sexy & funky sounds, which was heightened when scene legend Fat Tony took over the decks, taking the music in a much more uplifting & electro tainted direction, playing out some a-typical Tony tunes mixed in with amazing floor fillers like Serge Devant’s “Addicted” which drew whoops & cheers from the dancing mass of bodies. Now we were really into our stride and when we came across D.J. pal Nick Tcherniak & husband Tom (who was celebrating his birthday), we knew the party would just get better & better. Mind you, we were glad of the encounter, as we had been carrying Tom’s birthday card around all afternoon, although the look of delight on his face was well worth it (even if he thought the message in the card was like a letter from Gordon Brown!!).
So, with a tug on our braces from Tom, which prompted a whole host of “twangs” from all around, our place on the dancefloor was pretty much cemented, and why not, as Mr Fat Tony was stirring up some serious sounds (not least our fave record, Zoe Baldwin’s “Release Me”) and we were in just the right spot next to the massive neon flashing wall, in prime position to bump into yet more scene faces wandering in, JC Christopher, Jon Dennis (bless him for his advice on our review writing!) Guy Williams & boyf Rob Ferguson & then the man himself, Lee Freeman, who definitely had his eye on making this the best comeback party London had ever seen. And that’s just how it was turning out, as a terrific set from Tony was following by a gigantically glorious one from Guy Williams, who took over and short of blew the roof off Paramount, with a mega mix of funk, tech & nu disco that had the 31st floor rocking right to the foundations. Looking around, everyone was having an absolutely superb time and it was as though the old DTPM style was back, whey hay!!
Taking a brief respite back round in the bar area, it was like walking into a “who’s who” gathering and we were struggling to choose between all the faces, but tip top promoter Wayne Shires grabbed our attention, then long time friend & D.J. extra-ordinaire Kris De-Angelis was the next one to get a piece of us (in a manner of speaking of-course), before we were back in the thick of party boy Tom’s company, Nick Tcherniak now holding court with fellow D.J. & recording partner, the one & only Steve “Janet” Thomas, who was over from Spain especially for the occasion & up on the decks after Mr Williams. Glancing at our watch, we could hardly believe it was less than two hours till midnight (where had the time gone – well you know what they say?!) and as much as we wanted to see out the rest of the night at DT, not least to see Miss “Janet” perform, we said our farewells, heading to Rupert Street to try and come down from the dizzy heights of happiness.
But then the day, the night, well everything actually, was about “The Bitch Is Back” and this bitch was, as we made a triumphant return not 20 minutes before we left, with D.J. pal Alessandro in tow, making straight for Paramount’s dancefloor to see Steve Thomas behind the decks & all our other scene pals in place. Everyone was soaking up the octane fuelled, upbeat, hard house tinged yet adoring string of tunes Steve was putting together, which took us back to all those heady days of sets of his at Trade, of-course at the DT of old, but with a definite vein of newness running through it all, absolutely stupendous. Even Nick Tcherniak was in awe (and they are recording partners!), that’s how good the music was. So, with braces off, (leant to Tom as a birthday treat), tops off and the tempo at fever pitch, we danced away well past midnight not wanting the party to end (and if Mr Freeman had got his way, it would have gone on and on – and she can move on the dancefloor!!), but after a third encore from Steve, the party drew to a close and we headed to ground level once more to saunter home and reflect of what could probably be THE party of the year.
So, what can we can we say about the return of DTPM? Well, it is definitely back for sure, and did the “Bitch” make an impact of what! Yes, it is fair to say that Paramount as a venue has its good & bad points, the good being the views, the bad being the lack of sufficient toilets to powder one’s nose (and a girl needs to do that!), but the sleek minimalist design of the space allows for other elements to really speak volumes. And the music did just that, Miguel Pellitero warming things up brilliantly, Fat Tony taking it to a higher level, Guy Williams short of lifting the roof off and then Steve Thomas sending everyone present to heaven & back (and we couldn’t have been closer to heaven!!). Then there was the crowd, the best we have mixed with for a long time, never being short of a familiar face to say hello to, making it not just a dance club but a socialising splendour.
With the massive & overwhelming response to this DTPM party, with tickets selling so quickly and everyone we spoke to who didn’t have one, really wanting one, Lee Freeman & his team could have filled Paramount three times over at least, being a real & true testament to the longevity of this brand which has been going for most of our clubbing life. It was an absolute honour to be part of it all, to be treated so well throughout, to get so many great comments from all around & to see so many happy & joyful faces from start to finish. “The Bitch” is definitely back and with a planned NYD spectacular at similar dizzy heights, we cannot wait. (DISCO MATT)
1 comment:
hey matty babes, you didn't mention the perfect performance by the legend that is Peyton!
It was indeed one of the best parties, I'm so glad i went! The atmosphere was electric and Guy Williams really did rip up that dancefloor like a God!
I'm looking forward to the next one!
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