In our exploits out & about on the gAylist scene across the capital, we are used to be the one that is doing the reviewing & reporting, although in a recent interview with GaydarNation’s Jonny Marsh, the tables were somewhat turned on us, as the spotlight was thrown in our direction, prompting a full & frank response to a collection of searching questions posed. So, in a change to our usual reviews, we have posted the interview as it was published on GaydarNation, which we hope may answer some of the questions you may also have been wanting to ask us, as well as putting to bed some of the myths & mysteries surrounding Disco Matt.
Matt Hopkins is a well known face on London’s gay club scene, having attended practically every major club launch in the last 10 years. Then, a few years ago, Matt decided to combine his passion for clubbing with his passion for writing, and Disco Matt was born. We caught up with Matt to find out more about the man behind the club reviews.
So, who is Disco Matt?
Well, Disco Matt is my writing name, my pseudonym, and he reviews, previews and reports on the clubs, bars and events in and around London as well as looking at scene DJs work. The name was not my idea, in fact the creator, who will remain anonymous, came up with it after my first review of social soiree Industri back in January 2008 and it just stuck.
What was your first experience of a gay bar or club?
My first ever gay bar experience was when I lived in Johannesburg, South Africa and it was very much the a-typical clone type, American style of gay joint, a dark long bar barely visible from the outside, with a pool table and lots of butch looking men in tight jeans with moustaches. We are of course taking mid 80s here and my first club experience was evocative of that time, when hi-nrg music was in vogue and outlandish people dressed accordingly.
You used to sneak into clubs anonymously. How did this come about, and why did you reveal yourself?
Well, I wouldn’t quite say that I would sneak into clubs! Having been one of those faces that has been out on the clubbing scene for years, I would simply be there enjoying myself but also reviewing at the same time, therefore being anonymous was quite fun. However, it was always the plan to reveal my identity, the real reasons being for credibility and for the fact that, for me, a respected writer needs to be known to his audience.
Did you enjoy it more when you were anonymous?
To be honest, not really. It is true that being anonymous protected me from negative or derogatory reaction, but being known as Disco Matt has opened doors for me, sometimes literally, meeting a whole host of people I would never have done if I had stayed anonymous. Plus, being known gets me noticed in a crowd, or in a queue, and that definitely has its advantages!
Why do you enjoy writing about clubs and nightlife?
Well, clubbing and social nightlifing is what I enjoy doing, so writing about it all came quite naturally. Penning my experiences allows me to share my views, thus aiming to serve as a recommendation, or not as the case may be, hopefully meaning I make a valid contribution towards making the scene a richer and stronger place. This has always been my ultimate aim, so the thought of achieving it gives me an immense feeling of satisfaction.
What’s the most outrageous thing you have ever seen in a gay bar or club?
Well, having been the General Manager for the notorious Central Station in Kings Cross, London, it takes a lot to shock and surprise me, but perhaps the most outrageous thing was seeing a fire start right in front of me on Trade’s main floor when the lining on the walls of the dancefloor suddenly set alight. Fortunately, however, my friend Terry was quick enough of mind and stamped it out before it spread in anyway significantly. Mind you imagine the headlines if he hadn’t...”loads of queens high as kites caught in a torrent of flames in Turnmills...”
Your reviews can be quite direct and frank about the nights you visit, even if something has gone wrong there. Do you ever get in trouble with the promoters for being critical?
Oh yes, my direct approach has landed me in hot water with promoters on plenty of occasions, but it tends to be those that are very sensitive to any sort of criticism or negativity. However, knowing most of the club promoters as I do now, the vast majority of them are very reasonable and accept my direct stance, but I also know how some of them operate and what a cut-throat business it can be. So, dealing with their furore when it happens comes with the territory and is all part of what I do.
Who are your favourite DJs at the moment?
I know so many DJs, loads who I can count as friends, so it’s a really hard choice, but if I had to choose, my top three would be Danny Verde, because I have known him since he was starting out and pushed his work from the outset, so to see how he has developed, the waves he is making internationally and how popular he has become is such a thrill; Steve Pitron, because he has amazed me on the dancefloor from the very first time I experienced his brilliance over 10 years ago and to this day Steve remains as consistently spectacular as he always was; Brent Nicholls as for me the man is probably THE most talented DJ I know. His ability to switch between genres, catering for the audience he plays to, is outstanding. What’s more, he has an acute sense of spotting forthcoming dancefloors hits long before many others, which makes his music offer really cutting edge. Oh by the way, before you ask, they are in no particular order, I will leave it to you to guess that one!
And which are your favourite gay clubs or events?
Much like with the DJs, as I know quite a few of the promoters, it’s really hard to choose. However, Matinee has always been right up there but is going through some changes at the moment. I love what promoter Alex Erfan is doing, so Lovechild and Pervert are really good and As One on NYD ranks as the best party of 2010 so far. However, my favourite club has to be Beyond, as every time I go, it just seems to get better and better, the music, the people, the atmosphere, everything about it is terrific. It’s even better than my old fave Trade (and that’s saying something).
What do you do for work when you’re not hitting clubs?
Having ditched Banking then running clubs bars and restaurants, as my writing is a big focus in my life, I now have a day job as a cycle courier which gives me my evenings and weekends back. It might not be a glamorous job but it pays the bills and some, gives me the flexibility to work when I want to and balance that with keeping my writing up to speed. Plus, it gives me a pretty nice lifestyle too.
Do you think it’s fair to say you’ve been to every major club launch in the capital since you started?
Yes, pretty much, although it is sometimes difficult to make everything as I can never be in two places at once. But if something major is launching, then clearly that gets my attention and focus. Of the biggies, I was at the first Beyond in June 2001, Matinee’s launch in July 2006, SuperMartXe’s in Nov 2008 and Lovechild’s in Feb 2009. But my favourite launch, in among the long list of others, was Industri’s, which started out in January 2008 and marked the birth of Disco Matt as we know him now.
How has the gay scene evolved in this time?
To be honest, the scene is constantly evolving, although it’s good that it doesn’t stand still and whilst a lot of bars have been around for a long time, occasionally new ones pop up and make a real splash, like Profile bar, but clubbing has changed a lot and loads of events have come and gone. When I first started out, Sunday was the real party day and far more popular than Saturdays, with clubs like Factor 25, Salvation and F.F. But these days its Saturday clubs like Matinee, SuperMartXe, and Lovechild that seem to attract the big numbers. Vauxhall was the big revolution at the turn of the century but has since seen its fortunes wax and wane and a real alternative vibe is developing in the East End and particularly in Shoreditch at the moment.
Do you ever get out of London to check out other gay scenes?
The simple answer is no, but when 2010 dawned I said that Disco Matt would be spreading his wings and the plan is definitely to take maybe one weekend out a month to either head down to Brighton or up to Manchester. But I also plan to report on clubbing in Europe which seems to be very vibrant, the sound so different to London and I cannot wait for that, so watch this space.
Where will we be able to catch you in the coming weeks?
Well Easter weekend is coming up, which is going to be non-stop for Disco Matt with up 10 club events to visit and review! After that, well I will be doing my best to honour a Brighton trip and if things go to plan may also be hitting the radio waves, making my weekend recommendations vocal as well as written.
To check out the article via GaydarNation direct, click on the following link http://gaydarnation.com/UserPortal/Article/Detail.aspx?ID=26594&sid=4.
In our exploits out & about on the gAylist scene across the capital, we are used to be the one that is doing the reviewing & reporting, although in a recent interview with GaydarNation’s Jonny Marsh, the tables were somewhat turned on us, as the spotlight was thrown in our direction, prompting a full & frank response to a collection of searching questions posed. So, in a change to our usual reviews, we have posted the interview as it was published on GaydarNation, which we hope may answer some of the questions you may also have been wanting to ask us, as well as putting to bed some of the myths & mysteries surrounding Disco Matt.
Matt Hopkins is a well known face on London’s gay club scene, having attended practically every major club launch in the last 10 years. Then, a few years ago, Matt decided to combine his passion for clubbing with his passion for writing, and Disco Matt was born. We caught up with Matt to find out more about the man behind the club reviews.
So, who is Disco Matt?
Well, Disco Matt is my writing name, my pseudonym, and he reviews, previews and reports on the clubs, bars and events in and around London as well as looking at scene DJs work. The name was not my idea, in fact the creator, who will remain anonymous, came up with it after my first review of social soiree Industri back in January 2008 and it just stuck.
What was your first experience of a gay bar or club?
My first ever gay bar experience was when I lived in Johannesburg, South Africa and it was very much the a-typical clone type, American style of gay joint, a dark long bar barely visible from the outside, with a pool table and lots of butch looking men in tight jeans with moustaches. We are of course taking mid 80s here and my first club experience was evocative of that time, when hi-nrg music was in vogue and outlandish people dressed accordingly.
You used to sneak into clubs anonymously. How did this come about, and why did you reveal yourself?
Well, I wouldn’t quite say that I would sneak into clubs! Having been one of those faces that has been out on the clubbing scene for years, I would simply be there enjoying myself but also reviewing at the same time, therefore being anonymous was quite fun. However, it was always the plan to reveal my identity, the real reasons being for credibility and for the fact that, for me, a respected writer needs to be known to his audience.
Did you enjoy it more when you were anonymous?
To be honest, not really. It is true that being anonymous protected me from negative or derogatory reaction, but being known as Disco Matt has opened doors for me, sometimes literally, meeting a whole host of people I would never have done if I had stayed anonymous. Plus, being known gets me noticed in a crowd, or in a queue, and that definitely has its advantages!
Why do you enjoy writing about clubs and nightlife?
Well, clubbing and social nightlifing is what I enjoy doing, so writing about it all came quite naturally. Penning my experiences allows me to share my views, thus aiming to serve as a recommendation, or not as the case may be, hopefully meaning I make a valid contribution towards making the scene a richer and stronger place. This has always been my ultimate aim, so the thought of achieving it gives me an immense feeling of satisfaction.
What’s the most outrageous thing you have ever seen in a gay bar or club?
Well, having been the General Manager for the notorious Central Station in Kings Cross, London, it takes a lot to shock and surprise me, but perhaps the most outrageous thing was seeing a fire start right in front of me on Trade’s main floor when the lining on the walls of the dancefloor suddenly set alight. Fortunately, however, my friend Terry was quick enough of mind and stamped it out before it spread in anyway significantly. Mind you imagine the headlines if he hadn’t...”loads of queens high as kites caught in a torrent of flames in Turnmills...”
Your reviews can be quite direct and frank about the nights you visit, even if something has gone wrong there. Do you ever get in trouble with the promoters for being critical?
Oh yes, my direct approach has landed me in hot water with promoters on plenty of occasions, but it tends to be those that are very sensitive to any sort of criticism or negativity. However, knowing most of the club promoters as I do now, the vast majority of them are very reasonable and accept my direct stance, but I also know how some of them operate and what a cut-throat business it can be. So, dealing with their furore when it happens comes with the territory and is all part of what I do.
Who are your favourite DJs at the moment?
I know so many DJs, loads who I can count as friends, so it’s a really hard choice, but if I had to choose, my top three would be Danny Verde, because I have known him since he was starting out and pushed his work from the outset, so to see how he has developed, the waves he is making internationally and how popular he has become is such a thrill; Steve Pitron, because he has amazed me on the dancefloor from the very first time I experienced his brilliance over 10 years ago and to this day Steve remains as consistently spectacular as he always was; Brent Nicholls as for me the man is probably THE most talented DJ I know. His ability to switch between genres, catering for the audience he plays to, is outstanding. What’s more, he has an acute sense of spotting forthcoming dancefloors hits long before many others, which makes his music offer really cutting edge. Oh by the way, before you ask, they are in no particular order, I will leave it to you to guess that one!
And which are your favourite gay clubs or events?
Much like with the DJs, as I know quite a few of the promoters, it’s really hard to choose. However, Matinee has always been right up there but is going through some changes at the moment. I love what promoter Alex Erfan is doing, so Lovechild and Pervert are really good and As One on NYD ranks as the best party of 2010 so far. However, my favourite club has to be Beyond, as every time I go, it just seems to get better and better, the music, the people, the atmosphere, everything about it is terrific. It’s even better than my old fave Trade (and that’s saying something).
What do you do for work when you’re not hitting clubs?
Having ditched Banking then running clubs bars and restaurants, as my writing is a big focus in my life, I now have a day job as a cycle courier which gives me my evenings and weekends back. It might not be a glamorous job but it pays the bills and some, gives me the flexibility to work when I want to and balance that with keeping my writing up to speed. Plus, it gives me a pretty nice lifestyle too.
Do you think it’s fair to say you’ve been to every major club launch in the capital since you started?
Yes, pretty much, although it is sometimes difficult to make everything as I can never be in two places at once. But if something major is launching, then clearly that gets my attention and focus. Of the biggies, I was at the first Beyond in June 2001, Matinee’s launch in July 2006, SuperMartXe’s in Nov 2008 and Lovechild’s in Feb 2009. But my favourite launch, in among the long list of others, was Industri’s, which started out in January 2008 and marked the birth of Disco Matt as we know him now.
How has the gay scene evolved in this time?
To be honest, the scene is constantly evolving, although it’s good that it doesn’t stand still and whilst a lot of bars have been around for a long time, occasionally new ones pop up and make a real splash, like Profile bar, but clubbing has changed a lot and loads of events have come and gone. When I first started out, Sunday was the real party day and far more popular than Saturdays, with clubs like Factor 25, Salvation and F.F. But these days its Saturday clubs like Matinee, SuperMartXe, and Lovechild that seem to attract the big numbers. Vauxhall was the big revolution at the turn of the century but has since seen its fortunes wax and wane and a real alternative vibe is developing in the East End and particularly in Shoreditch at the moment.
Do you ever get out of London to check out other gay scenes?
The simple answer is no, but when 2010 dawned I said that Disco Matt would be spreading his wings and the plan is definitely to take maybe one weekend out a month to either head down to Brighton or up to Manchester. But I also plan to report on clubbing in Europe which seems to be very vibrant, the sound so different to London and I cannot wait for that, so watch this space.
Where will we be able to catch you in the coming weeks?
Well Easter weekend is coming up, which is going to be non-stop for Disco Matt with up 10 club events to visit and review! After that, well I will be doing my best to honour a Brighton trip and if things go to plan may also be hitting the radio waves, making my weekend recommendations vocal as well as written.
To check out the article via GaydarNation direct, click on the following link http://gaydarnation.com/UserPortal/Article/Detail.aspx?ID=26594&sid=4.
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