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Monday 15 September 2008

Gutterslut Club Review - July 2008


Tearing ourselves away from the brilliance of Brent Nicholls in the club at Barcode Soho, which proved the perfect warm up, we headed east to Bethnal Green and the monthly club extraordinaire that is Gutterslut.

Having been excited about our first adventure to this warped and wacky club night, to make it even better we were joined by our long standing friend and fierce partner in crime, Lexi, who was the ideal partner for this trip into gutterslutiness. So, in what became a taxi journey tour of London, we caught up on all our gossip, then arriving at Images on the Hackney Road at just turned midnight.

Once out of the cab we were immediately greeted by birthday boy Elliot J Brown, dressed resplendently in a swanky check shirt & tie complimenting his jeans perfectly and looking just the part for this soiree out east. The queue amassed was huge, although been privileged to be on Per QX’s guestlist, it wasn’t long before we were whisked inside the club.

There we found a packed Images, with the man himself, dressed in his trademark cap, vest shirt & shorts, in control of the decks, pumping out a spectacular combo of face-lifting rave, diet techno and ghetto electro to a delirious audience. MC Johnny Woo was ever present, working the pole, positioned on the stage next to the DJ booth, gyrating round like some over stimulated spinning top, contributing fabulously to the already electric atmosphere.

As Images virgin’s, we, along with Lexi, decided to take a quick tour, also dropping our unwanted clothes layers off at the coatcheck the same time. Down some narrow stairs we found a further space, known as the DiscoSlut room, an altogether different feel to the manic space above, where a select crowd were dancing to the delights of special guest Jon Sizzle. Then, moving back upstairs, we found a superb if compact outside space, brimming with an amazing mix of boys & girls, seeking relief from the action inside.

It was moments only before we were drawn back to the musical madness of Per QX and wedged ourselves at the edge of the DJ booth, getting down and dirty to the monstrous mash up that was developing. Lexi is a legend in our lifetime for boogying dancefloor fierceness and it was truly awesome to be strutting our stuff with him again. The crowd was a cosmopolitan mix of outrageously garbed, make up clad & truly indie style males & females, with only the occasional glamorous & jaw droopingly gorgeous look we are used to in our regular club haunts (such as Matinee & Revolver), so no shirts off here, if you get our drift! However, it was a crowd seriously up for partying and that they certainly did.

Per soon handed over the decks to Elliot J Brown, who continued the music trend laid out before, with Johnny Woo giving way to others attempting, but not succeeding, where he had, to take control of the pole. We were tempted to try but resisted bravely and danced away to Elliot’s track selection which ripped up the room and ensured the atmosphere remained at fantastically high proportions.

In the dizzy malaise of the action we managed to loose out friend Lexi, who we were sure, was being a dirty birdie somewhere and with dawn fast approaching, took our leave of Images, heading back across London to familiar territory at Barcode Vauxhall and the DJ talents of Faye Lanson.

So what was the outcome of our first venture to Gutterslut. Well, there is no doubt the atmosphere within the small Images venue was amazing, the music was very much our cup of tea, although we did feel some what out of place with the diverse crowd, clearly unique to Gutterslut and it’s sister outing Trailer Trash. Nevertheless, if this is your bag, then we thoroughly recommend a trip to this monthly downright dirty mash up & with so many mainstream gay clubs trying to do the same, it is refreshing to see there is something completely different on offer. (DISCO MATT)

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